Posted: 08/08/2023

The Alabama Forestry Commission is warning forest landowners to beware of a timber cutting scam. The permit/’lumberjack’ contract shown in this photo is a fake. Neither Rafael Ruis Delvizo nor the Lumber Tech Frames Inc. are representatives of the Alabama Forestry Commission and are in no way affiliated with the agency. If you are contacted or have been approached by anyone using this counterfeit document, please contact Scott Rouse, Deputy Attorney General for the Alabama Forestry Commission, at (334) 328-7831.

The mission of the Alabama Forestry Commission is to protect and sustain Alabama’s forest resources using professionally applied stewardship principles and education, ensuring that the state’s forests contribute to abundant timber and wildlife, clean air and water, and a healthy economy. For more information about the fire situation in your area or any other forestry related issues, contact your local Alabama Forestry Commission office or visit the AFC website at